
Pater Edmund Waldstein's Blog

Christendom Standing Still

Over at The European Conservative I have a piece on the modern world as a world of flight from God, and on Christendom as standing still. Here’s a snip:

The greatness of the human soul is found in the ability to attain the spiritual good, high above humanity itself. But the very greatness of this end means that it is hard to attain. For a soul unperfected by virtue, which lacks internal integrity, and in which the passions are unregulated and giving rise to conflicting thoughts, the pursuit of spiritual things is difficult. This difficulty gives rise to the sadness of acedia, leading to despair of ever reaching the good, and sluggishness in rousing oneself to it. It can then lead to indignation against anything or anyone which reminds one of it. Finally, sadness leads to a flight into distraction: uneasiness of mind, curiosity, loquacity, instability of place and of purpose—anything which enables the soul to forget its sadness, to live on the surface of things. 

Read the rest at The European Conservative.

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