
Pater Edmund Waldstein's Blog

Brilliant post from Zwinglius Redivivus. Kudos to Michael Barber for pointing this out. It seems that one could give a propter quid account for this, explaining why absence from “the assembly” leads to doubt, but not with a Zwinglian ecclesiology…

Zwinglius Redivivus

The day of Jesus resurrection the disciples (except for Thomas, and Judas of course) were gathered in the same location in which they had eaten the ‘Last Supper’ just a few days before.  Suddenly the risen Jesus appeared and conversed with them.

When Thomas next appears he is told what happened and he doesn’t believe it.  ‘Unless I see the prints in his hands and push my finger in his side, I won’t believe’.

The next week the disciples are again gathered in assembly and this time Thomas is present.  Jesus chides him for disbelieving the testimony of his compatriots and then challenges him to shove his finger in Jesus’ side.  He refuses, and then confesses ‘My Lord and my God’.

Two simple observations may be worth making:

1- Thomas doesn’t assemble with the others and from that decision springs his disbelief.


2- When Thomas gathers with the others…

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4 responses to “”

  1. Simply from a natural standpoint it makes sense that the Faith is realized in community, so why is it that those like St. Benedict sought out extreme isolation, and become holy in that isolation?


    1. I think it is because solitude allows for greater dependence on the supernatural, and greater detachment from creatures. St Benedict says hermits are, “those who, no longer in the first fervor of their reformation, but after long probation in a monastery, having learned by the help of many brethren how to fight against the devil, go out well armed from the ranks of the community to the solitary combat of the desert. They are able now, with no help save from God, to fight single-handed against the vices of the flesh and their own evil thoughts.”


      1. So this would be akin to the religious state is directed to perfection, and going out into the wilderness is conducive to perfecting the habits?

        Which would also be along the same principle of selling all of one’s
        possessions and giving them to the poor. A perfection in the religious. But an irresponsible error of neglect in the father of children.


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